The core of interacting and living with dogs isn't about acquiring new knowledge, but rather about embracing simplicity and (re)discovering one's own humanity.
In essence, it's simple: You are entirely yourself. You align with your being and trust your perception. You show yourself with what is.
Dogs teach us essential things: to live authentically and to guide ourselves through life in a self-determined way.
We all instinctively know the importance of being in tune with our inner core and to live in harmony with our own nature. The connection to ourselves forms the foundation for connected relationships, be it between people or between people and dogs.
Something we often find difficult. Your dog senses where you are not connected with yourself and immediately recognizes this inner distance.
Dogs bring us into contact with hidden and old fears that often unconsciously influence us. They are masters at bringing out what has long wanted to come to the surface within us, to be seen and lived. They sense our fears of rejection; they have a precise sense of how much we value ourselves, whether we stand up for ourselves or suppress something. Accordingly, they perceive us and shape their interaction with us.
Openly speaking about our feelings, needs, and thoughts creates a strong foundation for respectful coexistence. Your willingness to engage with yourself is an important prerequisite for my work.
I encourage you to think and feel and motivate you to express exactly what moves you. This sets in motion what is stuck in you. You acknowledge what is, perceive yourself and your counterpart again and new paths to solutions can emerge within you.
In my work, I support you in...​
Recognizing and trusting your intuition.
Understanding yourself and your dog.
Discovering and strengthening inner resources.
Finding your own center and radiating a natural presence.
Understanding the challenges with your dog as mutual learning and growth.

When you are connected to your inner core, you radiate your own unique, natural presence.
A little insight of me and my dogs, Buka and Nanok.
Individual session
We meet in your familiar surroundings
2 hours
Individual work
Support over a longer period time
particularly supports inner processes